Marián Križovenský – 55 JT C 4.4.2016

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A thematic composing tourney announced for any kind of chess problems

Theme: 55 (two fives)

Every theme including at least 2×5 (or 5+5) arbitrary elements is allowed. E.g. five transferred mates / changed mates / variants / defense motifs / harmful effects in two phases, 5 solutions in a twin, 5 white + 5 black promotions, 5 white + 5 black pieces and the like. However, also multiplied showing of five elements is welcome.

Everything is allowed: any stipulation, any number of moves, fairy pieces and/or conditions, promoted pieces, any type and size of chess board as well as multiple solutions, twins, and even illegal position.

The tourney will be divided to at least two sections (orthodox and fairy).

Prizes: Chess Diagraf – programme for saving, solution, printing and animation of chess problems.




is ending in:


Entries to email: mk55jtatcheckchessdotnet

Judge: jubilee

The award will appear at the latest 55 days after deadline.

Thank you for reprinting.




Marián Križovenský
pochvalná zmienka
Pravda, 1247, 12.6.1981
white Qd7 Bg7 Ra6 Pc6 Pd6 Kg6 Pc5 Sa4 Re4 Pf4 Pa3 Pg3 Pc2 Sd1 black Pa7 Pb6 Pf6 Kd5 Pd4
a) 1.c6-c7 ! zugzwang. 1...Kd5-c4 {a} 2.Sd1-e3 # {A} 1...b6-b5 {b} 2.Qd7-e6 # {B} 1...f6-f5 {c} 2.Re4*d4 # {C} 1...Kd5*e4 {d} 2.Qd7-c6 # {D} 1...d4-d3 {e} 2.Sd1-c3 # {display-departure-square} {E} b) mirror a1<-->h1 shift h1 ==> g1 1.e6-e7 ! zugzwang. 1...Kd5*c4 {a} 2.Qd7-e6 # {B} 1...b6-b5 {b} 2.Rc4*d4 # {C} 1...f6-f5 {c} 2.Qd7-c6 # {D} 1...Kd5-e4 {d} 2.Sd1-c3 # {E} 1...d4-d3 {e} 2.Sd1-e3 # {display-departure-square} {A}
#2 (14+5)

b) otočiť okolo d / reflect round d

Optical Lačný-cycle 5-fold


Ján Valuška
1st Prize
ČSSR-Švédsko, 1970
white Rb7 Qf7 Pf6 Pg6 Pb4 Pf4 Sc3 Se3 Pc2 Be2 Qd1 Kf1 Bg1 black Pc6 Rd6 Pe6 Pd5 Kd4 Pe4 Rd3 Pd2
a) 1.Qf7-e7 ! zugzwang. 1...Rd3*c3 {a} 2.Se3-f5 # {A} 1...Rd3*e3 {b} 2.Qd1*d2 # {B} 1...c6-c5 {c} 2.Sc3-b5 # {C} 1...Rd6-d8 {d} 2.Qe7-c5 # {D} 1...e6-e5 {e} 2.Qe7*e5 # {E} b) mirror a1<-->h1 shift h1 ==> g1 1.Qb7-c7 ! zugzwang. 1...Rd3*c3 {a} 2.Qd1*d2 # {B} 1...Rd3*e3 {b} 2.Sc3-b5 # {C} 1...c6-c5 {c} 2.Qc7*c5 # {D} 1...Rd6-d8 {d} 2.Qc7-e5 # {E} 1...e6-e5 {e} 2.Se3-f5 # {A}
#2 (13+8)

b) otočiť okolo d / reflect round d

Optical Lačný-cycle 5-fold to, but with two queens


Václav Kotěšovec
3° Prix
Mémorial L. Salai Pat a Mat 2007-08
white Ra5c8 Kh8 Sa4a7 Gc7g7f6d5c4d1 Pe7b6g6f5e2 black Sa1a8 Kb7 Gc6b5c5d4b1c1 Bh5 Pb4a3f3 Qb2 Rf2
1.e7-e8=Q ? {A} threat: 2.Sa7*b5 # {(2.Vb8, Dxc6, De5 #)} but 1...Qb2*e2 ! {a} 1.e7-e8=R ? {B} threat: 2.Sa7*b5 # {(2.Vb8, Ve5 #)} but 1...Rf2*e2 ! {b} 1.e7-e8=B ? {C} threat: 2.Be8*c6 # but 1...Bh5*g6 ! {c} 1.e7-e8=S ? {D} threat: 2.Se8-d6 # but 1...Sa8*c7 ! {d} 1.e7-e8=G ? {G} threat: 2.Ge8*b5 # but 1...Gc1-e1 ! {e} 1.Gf6-d8 ! threat: 2.e7-e8=G # {(2.e8~ #)} 1...Qb2*e2 {a} 2.e7-e8=Q # {A} 1...Rf2*e2 {b} 2.e7-e8=R # {B} 1...Bh5*g6 {c} 2.e7-e8=B # {C} 1...Sa8*c7 {d} 2.e7-e8=S # {D} 1...Gc1-e1 {e} 2.e7-e8=G # {E}
#2 (16+8)


5 tries – 5 variants in solution – 5 promotions
Themes: Vladimirov – Super-AUW – Pseudo-Fleck


Václav Kotěšovec
1° Prix
Phénix, 7-8 2008
white Gb5 Kh7 Pg5 Sb1d2 Na1h5 CAc7e5 black Ke3 Pe4d3b4b3g3h4g7 Se1g2 Rc2h3 DAh2 FEd1 ALb2f1
a) 1.g5-g6 ! zugzwang. 1...Sg2-f4 {a} 2.Nh5*g7 # {A} 1...FEd1-e2 {b} 2.Gb5*b3 # {B} 1...Se1-f3 {c} 2.Sd2*f1 # {C} 1...ALb2-d4 {d} 2.CAc7*b4 # {D} 1...DAh2-f2 {e} 2.CAe5*b4 # {E} b) 1.Kh7-g6 ! zugzwang. 1...Sg2-f4 {a} 2.Gb5*b3 # {B} 1...FEd1-e2 {b} 2.Sd2*f1 # {C} 1...Se1-f3 {c} 2.CAc7*b4 # {D} 1...ALb2-d4 {d} 2.CAe5*b4 # {E} 1...DAh2-f2 {e} 2.Nh5*g7 # {A}
#2 (9+16)

b) Anti-Andernach Chess

Grasshopper G: b5
Nightrider N: a1, h5
Camel CA: c7, e5
Dababa DA: h2
Fers FE: d1
Alfil AL: b2, f1
Grasshopper G = Cvrček C
Nightrider N = Tátoš T
Camel = Ťava CA

Lačný-cycle 5-fold


Ľudovít Lačný
Peter Gvozdják
Jean-Marc Loustau
1st Prize
Pat a mat 3.2006 (2006-07)
white Kb7 Qf2 Bg2 Rc7a5 Sd4d6 Pd7e7e6g5g4e3a2 black Kc5 Ba7 Sc3e5 Pc6g6b5a4
1.Qf2-f4 ? threat: 2.Sd4-f5 {display-departure-square} {A} threat: 3.Qf4-d4 # 1...Kc5-b4 {a} 2.Sd4-c2 + {B} 2...Kb4*a5 {(Kc5)} 3.Qf4-b4 # 1...Sc3-e4 {b} 2.Ra5*b5 + {C} 2...Kc5*d6 3.d7-d8=Q # {(3.d8V #)} 1...Se5-f7 {c} 2.Sd4-b3 + {D} 2...a4*b3 3.Rc7*c6 # {(3.Dd4 #)} 1...Kc5*d6 {d} 2.Rc7*c6 + {E} 2...Kd6*e7 3.Qf4-f6 # but 1...Se5-c4 ! 1.Qf2-d2 ! threat: 2.Sd4-c2 {B} threat: 3.Qd2-d4 # 1...Kc5-b4 {a} 2.Ra5*b5 + {C} 2...Kb4-a3 {(cxb5)} 3.Qd2-b2 # {(3.Dxc3 #)} 1...Sc3-e4 {b} 2.Sd4-b3 + {D} 2...a4*b3 3.Ra5*b5 # {(3.Dd4 #)} 1...Se5-f7 {c} 2.Rc7*c6 + {E} 2...Kc5-b4 3.Qd2*c3 # 1...Kc5*d6 {d} 2.Sd4-f5 + {display-departure-square} {A} 2...Kd6-c5 {(Kxe6)} 3.Qd2-d4 # {(3.e8D, d8J #)}
#3 (14+8)

Lačný-theme 5-fold in #3


Karol Mlynka
4th Place
5th WCCT 1993-97
white Pb6 Pd6 Pf5 Pb4 Pe4 Ph4 Pe3 Pd2 Qb1 Kd1 black Bb7 Pd7 Sf7 Pc6 Re6 Rf6 Pb5 Rd5 Ke5 Sc4 Bf3 Bg3 Bb2 Se2 Qf2 Ra1
1.Bg3*h4=w {A} Bh4*f6=b 2.Sf7*d6=w {B} Sd6-f7 # 1.Sf7*d6=w {B} Sd6*b5=b 2.Sc4*b6=w {C} Sb6-c4 # 1.Sc4*b6=w {C} Sb6*d7=b 2.Re6*d6=w {D} Rd6-e6 # 1.Re6*d6=w {D} Rd6*c6=b 2.Rd5*d2=w {E} Rd2-d5 # 1.Rd5*d2=w {E} Rd2*e2=b 2.Bg3*h4=w {A} Bh4-g3 #
H#2 (10+16)

Andernach Chess

5 X cycle of 5 black moves – 5 X white mating switchbacks


Petko A. Petkov
1st Prize
Die Schwalbe 1985
white Pe7 Pf7 Pc6 Pc3 Kg2 black Gb8h8 Pa7h7e6f6 GId6 Zb5 Ke5 Sg5 Ne4 CAe2
a) 1.Gb8-b4 e7-e8=CA 2.Gb4-f4 f7-f8=CA # b) bZb5-->d5 1.Gh8-h6 f7-f8=G 2.Gh6-f4 e7-e8=G # c) bZb5-->c4 1.Ke5-d5 e7-e8=Z 2.Gb8-e5 f7-f8=Z # d) bKe5-->a6 1.Gh8-e5 f7-f8=N 2.Ge5-a5 e7-e8=N # e) bNe4-->f5 1.Ke5-f4 f7-f8=GI 2.Gh8-e5 e7-e8=GI #
H#2 (5+12)

b) b5 → d5
c) b5 → c4
d) e5 → a6
e) e4 → f5

Grasshopper G: b8, h8
Nightrider N: e4
Camel CA: e3
Giraffe GI: d6
Zebra Z: b5
Grasshopper G = Cvrček C
Nightrider N = Tátoš T
Camel = Ťava CA
Giraffe = Žirafa GI

5 different types of fairy pieces – 5 X AUW exo


Henry Forsberg
1st Prize
Memorial W. Pauly 1934-35
white Rb4 Kg4 Sd3 black Qa6 Ka3
a) 1.Qa6-f6 Sd3-c5 2.Qf6-b2 Rb4-a4 # b) +bRa6 1.Ra6-b6 Rb4-b1 2.Rb6-b3 Rb1-a1 # c) +bBa6 1.Ba6-c4 Sd3-e1 2.Bc4-a2 Se1-c2 # d) +bSa6 1.Sa6-c5 Sd3-c1 2.Sc5-a4 Rb4-b3 # e) +bPa6 1.a6-a5 Rb4-b3 + 2.Ka3-a4 Sd3-c5 #
H#2 (3+2)

b) Da6 → Va6
c) Da6 → Sa6
d) Da6 → Ja6
e) Da6 → Pa6

5 twins – 5 pieces – 5 different pieces on a6 – 5 different model mates to black king


Fadil Abdurahmanović
1st Prize
Schach-Echo 1973
white Kh3 Pa6e6f6e4 black Sc8 Rd8 Qe8 Rf8 Sg8 Bh8 Pd7 Pf7 Ph7 Pc6 Kd4 Pd3 Pa2 Pg2 Bb1
1.Kd4-c5 e6*d7 2.Kc5-b6 d7*c8=Q 3.Kb6-a7 Qc8-b7 # 1.Kd4-e5 e6-e7 2.Ke5*f6 e7*d8=Q + 3.Kf6-g7 Qd8-g5 # 1.Kd4-c3 e6*f7 2.Kc3-b2 f7*e8=Q 3.Kb2-a1 Qe8-e5 # 1.Kd4-e3 e6*f7 2.Ke3-f2 f7*g8=Q 3.Kf2-g1 Qg8*g2 # 1.g2-g1=B e6-e7 2.Bg1-e3 e7*f8=Q 3.Qe8-e5 Qf8-b4 #
H#3 (5+15)

5 solutions – 5 queen promotion on 5 different squares – 5 mates to black king in the middle and peaks of “superstars”


Jacob Mintz
úprava pre tému turnaja Juraj Lörinc
Phénix 2000 (v)
white Ra6 Kh3 Qf1 black Kd4 Rd5 Pg5h5h4
a) 1.Kd4-c5 Ra6-b6 2.Rd5-d4 Qf1-b5 # 1.Rd5-e5 Ra6-c6 2.Kd4-d5 Qf1-c4 # 1.Rd5-c5 Qf1-f4 + 2.Kd4-d5 Ra6-d6 # 1.Rd5-f5 Qf1-c4 + 2.Kd4-e5 Ra6-e6 # 1.Kd4-e5 Ra6-f6 2.Rd5-d4 Qf1-f5 # b) wQf1-->e1 1.Kd4-d3 Ra6-c6 2.Rd5-d4 Rc6-c3 # 1.Kd4-c4 Ra6-b6 2.Kc4-c5 Qe1-b4 # 1.Rd5-b5 Qe1-e4 + 2.Kd4-c5 Ra6-c6 # 1.Rd5-c5 Ra6-e6 2.Kd4-d5 Qe1-e4 # 1.Rd5-e5 Qe1-b4 + 2.Kd4-d5 Ra6-d6 #
H#2 (3+5)

b) Df1 → e1

2 X 5 solutions in a twin


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  1. Pingback: MARIÁN KRIŽOVENSKÝ – 55 JT C 4.4.2016 | Julia's Fairies

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