Full version of the lecture at 5-th International Chess Compostition Festival in Marianka 2013:
I. prizes MK 55 JT 55
Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Chess diagraf DB Ján Kovalič
Imrich BandžuchI. cenaMarián Križovenský 55 JT (A)
C 4.4.2016white Pf4 Ke3 Pd2 Pe2 Sg1 black Pe6 Pe5 Pe4 Pg2 Kd1a) 1.Kd1-c2 Sg1-f3 2.g2-g1=S Ke3-f2 3.Sg1*e2 Kf2-e1 4.Kc2-d3 Ke1-d1 5.Se2-d4 Sf3*e5 # b) bPe6-->f6 1.e5*f4 + Ke3-f2 2.Kd1*d2 Sg1-f3 + 3.Kd2-c3 Sf3-h4 4.Kc3-d4 Kf2-e1 5.Kd4-e3 Sh4-f5 # c) bPg2-->f5 1.e5*f4 + Ke3-d4 2.e4-e3 Sg1-h3 3.Kd1*e2 Kd4-c4 4.Ke2-f3 d2-d4 5.Kf3-e4 Sh3-g5 # d) wPd2-->f2 1.Kd1-e1 f4-f5 2.Ke1-f1 f5*e6 3.Kf1*g1 e6-e7 4.Kg1-h2 e7-e8=Q 5.Kh2-h3 Qe8-h5 # e) wPd2-->c2 1.Kd1*c2 Ke3-f2 2.Kc2-c3 Kf2-e1 3.Kc3-d4 Sg1-f3 + 4.Kd4-e3 Sf3-d4 5.e5*f4 Sd4-c2 #[A20]H#5 (5+5)b) Pe6 → f6
c) Pg2 → f5
d) Pd2 → f2
e) Pd2 → c2
Ján GolhaI. cenaMarián Križovenský 55 JT (B)
C 4.4.2016::sq:::::de:::R:::S::B:P:POPt:ZL:P:Bk::OPP:WGZW::B::::::S:[B4]#2 (4+20)UltraSchachZwang
SuperTransmutingKing (K): d4
Grasshopper (G): d9,a6,h1
Bishop Hopper (BH): e6,c4,e2
Rook Hopper (RH): a5,a3
Rook Lion (RL): g5,i3
Gral (GL): h5
Lion (LI): g3,a2
Camel (CA): h3
Juraj LörincI. cenaMarián Križovenský 55 JT (C)
C 4.4.2016white Pf7 Ph4 Kh1 black Sa8 Pb7 Ba6Biely kráľ sériou ťahov v najkratšom možnom čase navštívi všetky rohy šachovnice a vráti sa na h1. Koľko je riešení? |White king visits in series of moves all chessboard corners and returns to h1 in the shortest possible time. How many solutions?[C6]See text! → (3+3)