Section B: Fairy
In section B is participated 42 entries from 19 authors from 7 countries.
List of entries:
Nr. | Author | Country | Problems | Count |
1 | Bandžuch Imrich | SVK | h#2, h#1,5 | 2 |
2 | Bašić Bojan | SRB | s#5, #3 | 2 |
3 | Brabec Juraj | SVK | #2, h#2 | 2 |
4 | Dragoun Michal | CZE | *#2, *h#2, *h#2 | 1 |
5 | Gockel Hubert | GER | #2 | 1 |
6 | Golha Ján | SVK | #2 | 1 |
7 | Klemanič Emil | SVK | *#2, *h#2, *h#2 | 1 |
8 | Kotěšovec Václav | CZE | ser=55 | 1 |
9 | Linß Torsten | GER | s#5 & r#5 | 1 |
10 | Lörinc Juraj | SVK | #5, h#15,5, #5 | 3 |
11 | Luce Sébastien | FRA | h#9,5, h#5 | 2 |
12 | Millour René | FRA | h==20 | 1 |
13 | Mlynka Karol | SVK | #2, serh#5 | 2 |
14 | Müller Dieter | GER | serh#5, s#4, serh#10, hs#2,5 | 4 |
15 | Olin Per | FIN | serh=5 | 1 |
16 | Salai Ladislav | SVK | *#2, *h#2, *h#2 | 1 |
17 | Sifrin Semion | IZR | h#2 | 1 |
18 | Štúň Jaroslav | SVK | pser-h#5, pser-h##5, h#3,5, h#5, 5Black & sd#1, ser-h#5, ser-h#5, ser-h#5, h#3, h#5, h#10, hs#5, h#5, ser-h#5 | 14 |
19 | Tritten Pierre | FRA | h#2 | 1 |
* co-author
C 4.4.2016
1...CAh3-e4+ a 2.Kd5-d8=G# A
1...GLh5-f5+ b 2.Kd5-d8=RL# B
1...GLh5-f3+ c 2.Kd5-d8=GL# C
1...b3-b2+ d 2.Kd5-d8=LI# D
1...b5-b4+ e 2.Kd5-d8=RH# E
1.Kd4-d3! zugzwang
1...CAh3-e4+ a 2.Kd3-d8=RL# B
1...GLh5-f5+ b 2.Kd3-d8=GL# C
1...GLh5-f3+ c 2.Kd3-d8=LI# D
1...b3-b2+ d 2.Kd3-d8=RH# E
1...b5-b4+ e 2.Kd3-d8=G# A
SuperTransmutingKing (K): d4
Grasshopper (G): d9,a6,h1
Bishop Hopper (BH): e6,c4,e2
Rook Hopper (RH): a5,a3
Rook Lion (RL): g5,i3
Gral (GL): h5
Lion (LI): g3,a2
Camel (CA): h3
Wenn I choosed theme for this tourney I have imagine first prize like that. Doubtless the best problem. Mechanism with Pressburger King was otherwise used several times, but never to reach of such task. Congratulate author’s to this achievement!
C 4.4.2016
Nao (NA): c7,b6,b4,h2
Vao (VA): c6,c4
Pao (PA): a5
5 changed variants
5 blocus of d5
Five transferred mates with excellent key and 5 fold blocus square d5.
Balanced distribution of fairy matter on both sides.
C 4.4.2016
c) Mh8 → SWh8
d) Mh8 → HAh8
e) Mh8 → Gh8
Dummy (DU): b8,d8,e8,c7,e7,g4,d2,e2,h2
Los / Moose (M): h8
Orol / Eagle (EA): h8
Vrabec / Sparrow (SW): h8
Škrečok / Hamster (HA): h8
Cvrček / Grasshopper (G): d7,f7,(h8)
Klokan / Kangaroo (KA): c1
b) h8 = Eagle - hopper, but deflects 90° either way on passing over the hurdle
c) h8 = Sparrow - hopper, but deflects 135° either way on passing over the hurdle
d) h8 = Hamster - hopper, but deflects 180° either way on passing over the hurdle
e) h8 = Grasshopper - hopper, don't deflects either way on passing over the hurdle
5 hoppers with diferent arrival square
5 times move of hoppers from this same departure square
5 times jumping of this same hurdle
5 twins
5 variations
5 various mates from this same baterry
5 times is white pawn frontal piece in baterry mates
Thematic very reach problem. Forsberg twins with various hoppers.
A little bit I mind using amount of technical dummies.
C 4.4.2016
b) Qf5→Rf5
c) Qf5→Bf5
d) Qf5→Gf5
e) Qf5→CAf5
Kangaroo (KA): e8,b4,g4
Nightrider (N): e7,b1
Grasshopper (G): g7,e6,b5,f1
Camel (CA): e2
Zebra (Z): h2
5 twins
5 different white pieces on f5 (Forsberg)
5 differenf black pieces capture on f5
5 different types of fairy pieces
2x5 promotion circe (Renaissans theme)
Once again Forsberg twins, but with minimum of white and maximum of black matter.
C 4.4.2016
Ruža / Rose (RO): d8,h7,b5
5 moves in b)
5 white pieces
Is it selfmate or reflexmate? Above all it is excellent approach to theme handling in maximum economical position.
C 4.4.2016
5 riešení
Cvrček / Grasshopper (G): f6,g6,f3
5 black pieces
5 solutions
5 Take&Make moves
Special prize for most comprehensive theme handling. Everything here is themetic: count of pieces (5+5), count of solutions (5) also used fairy condition Take&Make is used 5-times. In case this problem existed befor tourney announcing I would us it as examle.
C 4.4.2016
Equihopper (EQ): b8,a7,a6
HurdleColourChanging equihopper (HURDLECOLOURCHANGING EQ): g2
5 colorchange enabling moves
5 guarding of c4
5 moves with colorchanged pieces
Very fancy exploitation of equihopper’s properties. Black with his first move enables jump of equihoppers every time on other square, in order it in second move create a hurdle to c4 and white then mates always with colorchanged piece. Prominency analogy.
C 4.4.2016
Fusil turncoat
C+ by Winchloe
5 white moves
5 black moves
The fairy condition “Fusil Turncoat” is rare:
When a piece captures (King included), it must return on the square occupied before, then changes of colour.
In the first variation it would be mate in Fusil after 1.g1=Q# but in Fusil turncoat white King becomes black after the capture of c2!
It also loses its character of royal piece so 2.Q:g7(wQg1) is not self check! The Queen of promotion will change three times of colour before to mate.
In the second variation, the promotion of white g7 Pawn in Knight provokes its return on g7 in black Knight then after a change of colour it is “sacrified” in e6 : the capture 3.f:e6(wPf7) provokes the return of black Pawn f7 in f7 …but in white Pawn! Follow an “orthodox” promotion in white Queen. This time it is the black Bishop g8 after a change of colour which will mate in f5.
C 4.4.2016
Gnu (GN): d6,c1
5x way choice for white GN
5x square enabling for a mate
5x capturing of black Q
White GNd6 could mate but his own pawns constrain from this. BQ these squares in every solution releases and with his second move determinates choice of way for wGN.
Once again prominency analogy presented by author’s trio.
C 4.4.2016
b) Ka4 → e3
c) Ka4 → f4
d) Ka4 → f6
e) Ka4 → g1
Cvrček / Grasshopper (G): d6,b4,d2
5 echo ideal mates
5 pieces
5 fairy items (Circe, KoeKo, BlackMaximummer, WhiteMaximummer, fairy piece)
Symetric position leads to absolutely unsymetric solutions but with five ideal echo mates! Unbelievable that in so long helpmate author managed to achieve corrected position.
C 4.4.2016
Klokan / Kangaroo (KA): b8
Vežový cvrček / Rook hopper(RH): a7,b6,g6,g5,a4,f4,g4,b3,a2
Leo (LE): a6
Royal reverse pawn (ROYAL PP): g3
Reverse pawn (PP): g2
5 harmfull effects (A´B´C´D´E´)
5 kinds of fairy pieces
Author confirmed his reputation as discoverer and processed tourney theme by using defense motifs and harmful effects:
A = capturing of threating piece – A` = pinning of black piece 2.Se2#
B = preparation jump of hurdle from threating line – B` = guarding of king square by creating of white antibaterry 2.Bxf4#
C = pinning of threating piece by rook hopper – C` = guarding release of mate square 2.Qxg4#
D = blocus of promotion square for white pawn – D` = line opening for white leo to mate square 2.LEd6#
E = closing of mate line – E` = immobilization jump of the hurdle into mate line of pawns promoted to kangaroo 2.b8=KA#
Using of 5 miscellaneous defense motifs and 5 miscellaneous harmful effects in fairy execution requires lot of analytical accomplishment. But severe processing shows endless opportunities of orthodox terms in fairy chess conditions.
C 4.4.2016
Grasshopper (G): e5,g3,g1
5 white pieces
Special honourable mention not only for symbolic count of moves but also for longest solution. White has trouble while get the black king in stalemate. Unfortunately white king nor did cross.
C 4.4.2016
c) Kb2 → e6
d) Kb2 → g8
e) Kb2 → f2
Imitator (I): g5,f4,g4,h4,g3
5 twins by moving of white king
Very showy as a group of imitators shifts here and there on the board. As a result is always bizzare mate.
C 4.4.2016
Cvrček / Grasshopper (G): a8,d8,a5,e5,h5,b3,h1
5 anti-baterry mates
5x executed this same anti-baterry
5x enter of 5 different hoppers on this same square
Seemingly easy twomover but in very tricky construction. Before key is no mate but after key wherever black pawns are moving, they allow jump some grasshopper on d5.
C 4.4.2016
b) -Bg1
5 pieces
As author has it written:
- One man show
- Strip-tease Twin
- Promotions into Rook
- White Pressburger King vs. Black Transmuted King.
Demonstration as with a little resources is possible to reach effect.
C 4.4.2016
2x5 white pieces in the given position
4x5 black moves + 4x5 white moves
2x5 black pieces in the final position
2x5 white pieces in the final position
5 wK-moves
5 bR-moves
3x5 P-moves
In final position 14 pieces are blocked (Kh1, Rb8, Be8, Pa7,b7,d7,f7, Ka8 Re1, Rf8, Rg1, Pe2,g2,h2), whereas 6 are pinned (Qc8, Bd8, Sg8 by Pg2 and Bd1, Sb1, Sf1 by Pb7). In fact the work is based on the AntiCirce specific pinning of pieces by two Ps – g2 and b7 – ready to promote.
Mathematically expressed: the problem contains amount of thematic elements, but general artistic impression is obscure.
C 4.4.2016
Vežová blcha / Rook locust (LR): e8
Kráľovský cvrček / Royal grasshopper (ROYAL G): b7
Kráľovský jazdec / Royal knight (ROYAL S): g5
Strelcová blcha / Bishop locust (LB): h3
5 model mates
5 black pieces
5 special model mates in five mover with 5 pieces. Very nice ace.
C 4.4.2016
b) BPb3 → c4
c) BPb3 → d5
d) BPb3 → e6
e) BPb3 → f7
f) =c) EAb1 → a4
g) =c) EAb1 → f1
h) =e) EAb1 → a8
i) =e) EAb1 → c8
j) =c) EAb1 → g4
k) =d) EAb1 → h5
Berolina pawn (BP): b3
Royal eagle (ROYAL EA): b1
Special commendation for longest twin. Altogether is this surprisingly symbolic 55 moves in 11 twins.